a repository of mathematical know-how

Messaging and notifications

Messaging and notifications

We have now implemented a 'subscriptions' system whereby users can subscribe to articles. Subscribing to an article means one of three things, the user being able to specify whether he or she wants to

  1. receive a message for each update to an article to which he or she has subscribed,

  2. receive a daily digest showing which of his or her subscribed articles have changed, or

  3. simply add the article to his or her 'watchlist', the status of which is accessible from a link on the right side of the page.

For options 1 and 2, we have introduced a messaging system to the Tricki. You will find that there is now a Messages link under the My account link on the right-hand side of the page. Clicking on this will take you to a type of inbox, where notification messages from the Tricki will be displayed. You can also send messages to other users on the Tricki from this page; such conversations will be organised into threads that are arranged according to their subject on the main messages page.

You can also choose to be notified of new messages by email.

The above subscription options also apply to forum posts. We hope to eventually allow users to receive notifications about updates made to articles with a specified tag; for example, one would be able to receive notifications for any article with the tag 'algebraic geometry', as well as notifications of new articles tagged as such.

Nice features!

I have one suggestion: in addition to the "reads" counter at the end of every article, we could have a "suscriptions" counter. In this way, we could know how many people was interested a priori (reads) and a posteriori (suscriptions) in an article, and therefore know how much desired is, in general, an update/elaboration of that article (if you see an article you know how to improve, and it has 1000 reads and 700 suscriptions, you ought to update it!).

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